Njord Wegge

Njord Wegge

Norwegian Military Academy
Phone: +4790562578

Wegge chairs the research group "Security and Military Power in the Arctic" at the Norwegian Defence University College, where he also leads several research projects on this topic.

Wegge finished his PhD, focusing on international Relations in the Arctic, in 2013 at the University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway and he has since published extensively on topics related to security and military power in the Arctic, hybrid warfare, intelligence service, democratic control of intelligence services and intelligence methods.

Njord Wegge has been “Chair of Arctic Security” at Marine Corps University, Quantico, USA where he also was a visiting scholar fall 2022. Wegge was also a visiting scholar to U.C. Berkeley, USA, spring 2009, and an adjunct associate professor at the University of Tromsø 2016–2018. Wegge was a guest researcher/ senior research fellow at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) 2012–2014 and senior research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) 2017–2019.  

Wegge worked for the Norwegian Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee (EOS-Committee) 2014–2017. Njord Wegge was Editor in Political Science in the peer reviewed academic journal Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2013–2019. 

Njord Wegge is member of staff at the NDUC/Norwegian Military Academy since 2020. 

Njord Wegge is a member of Høyre’s (The Conservative Party’s) International Committee since summer 2022. 

    • security politics
    • military power, including questions related to "hybrid warfare"
    • intelligence, surveillance and security service
    • the Arctic/High North
    • international relations and geopolitics