
NATO Cold Weather Operations Planner Course

Welcome to the NATO Cold Weather Operations Planner Course. We look forward to having you all on board the course.

The purpose of this course is to enhance the Alliance members understanding and appreciation of the Cold Weather Environment in order to develop NATO’s ability to prepare, plan, and conduct Land Tactical Cold Weather Operations in a MDO context. 


The course aims to give the students an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the Cold Weather Environment (CWE), and how this serves as a prerequisite for planning at tactical and operational levels in order to conduct Cold Weather Operations. 

The course will provide the students a broad knowledge of how GEOMETOC support and CW experiences are fundamental for CWO planning considerations, and how applying the CWO principles will enhance the land force`s ability to prepare, plan, and conduct CWO in a MDO context. 

Furthermore, the course will enhance the students knowledge on how to define requirements and developing capabilities for CWO.

You can find the Syllabus and reference documents at this site.